Oral Presentation Australasian Cytometry Society 2016 Annual Conference

The Relative Quantification of Antigen Density for the Mouse Receptor Proteome: A Key Step towards the Rationalization of Panel Design in Multi-parametric Flow Cytometry (24087)

Robert Balderas 1 , Herve Luche 1 , Camille Sa nta Maria , Pierre Grenot , Lillia Hadjem , Marie Malissen
  1. BD Biosciences and Immuno-phenotyping module, BD, Marseille, France

The design of multi-color antibody panel is complex and time consuming in multi-parametric flow cytometry. This complexity increases exponentially with the number of colors / reagents used simultaneously. A large number of potential limitations and problems must be addressed to ensure optimal resolution of the analyzed cell populations in multidimensional space. One of the critical parameters in the design of a panel is the sensitivity. The sensitivity of a reagent is determined by 4 factors: the auto-fluorescence of a cell in a given region of the light spectrum, the performance of a conjugated antibody,  the presence of other conjugates bound to the same cell (receptor co-expression) and the receptor (antigen) density. However, the antigen density on the target molecules in a panel is often an approximation and is generally based on initial assumptions of the biologist. In the absence of a list ranking each antibody based on the antigen density of their target molecule, it is difficult to rationalize the panel design. To streamline the multi-color panel design for mice experiments, the immunophenotyping module of CIPHE, in collaboration with BDB is establishing the an antigen density database for the mouse receptor proteome.